Monday, September 10, 2007

Sex in the City of Rachacha

Some readers on , "Cozy's Corpsdom ~ Wholesome in the City," were offended by some of my use of words...Wait, it turns out most were upset that the auto filter was manually overriden to allow "blow job," allowing me to get away with what they can't do. My literary license to blow that job was removed after a lengthy discussion with JohnD. In his defense, I remind folks that he does own the site; it's his to do as he pleases, even that is difficult for this freedom of speech el persono to state.

To some who might be offended by words like "condom, rubbers, latex saucers, blow job, menage a trois," etc., I am not known as a "normal" scribe unless I'm representing another association. Reminding folks to use rubbers sure beats off not bringing up such hard subjects.